1922 Clippings

Onging research; last updated 6 February 2015

31st January 1922 - General Purposes Sub-Committee

Gibbins and the Corporation – Weoley Park Farm

The following communication was read from Messrs. Wragge and Co:-

4 Bennetts Hill
24th January 1922
Dear Sir
Gibbins and the Corporation.
Weoley Park Farm

We had the tenants of the farm with us today, under the impression that the new Agricultural Act 1920 applied to the lease, which expires on the 29th September 1922.  This was a mistake, as Section 13 Sub-Section 3 excludes existing Leases, but all the same it seems to be desirable to come to some arrangement as to the future.  We take it that the Corporation are desirous of taking possession of their part of the Estate at the earliest possible moment.  Kindly say if this is so, so that we shall know how to negotiate with the tenants.
Yours faithfully,
(signed)   Wragge & Co.
F.H.C. Wiltshire Esq.,
Town Clerk,

1548   Resolved:-  That Messrs. Wragge and Co. be informed that it is the intention of the Parks Department to take possession of their portion of this Estate in September 1922.

31st January 1922 – Letter in the records of the Bournville Village Trust (– which can be seen in the Archive & Heritage Section at the Library of Birmingham – Ref: MS 1536, Box 31.)     
City of Birmingham
Parks Department
The Council House
31st January 1922
George Cadbury Junr., Esq.,
Dear Sir,
Selly Oak Park Extension
I am in receipt of your letter of the 30th instant, and have much pleasure in sending you a plan showing the existing park edged green, and proposed extension edged pink.
I also enclose for your information copy of conditions of the gift of this land by Messrs Gibbons (sic).
You will note that the land is in the occupation of a tenant, whose lease expires on the 29th September next, when the Corporation will take possession.
Yours faithfully,
(Sgd) W.H. Morter
Chief Superintendent.
3rd March 1922 - Special Meeting of the General Purposes and Allotments Sub-Committee

A communication was read from Canon Gross Hodge, Chairman of the Diocesan Evangelistic Council making application to be allowed to take services in each of the five parks every Sunday evening during the summer months.

1581   Resolved:-  That it be a recommendation of the General Committee to grant the application to hold the services in each of the following parks every Sunday evening during the month of May, namely:-
Garrison Lane Recreation Ground
Adderley Park
Black Patch
Calthorpe Park
Selly Oak Park
the question to be re-considered at the expiration of that period.

(11th February 1922 – Birmingham News

Kings Norton, Northfield and Harborne Districts
Selly Oak and Bournbrook

Death of an old Selly Oak resident – This entry reports the death of Mr. H. White, the conductor of the Selly Oak Victoria Brass Band, who was a regular supporter of the Park throughout its heydays - see The Heydays of Selly Oak Park.)

28th March 1922 – Finance Sub-Committee

Staff Increases of Salary

The Secretary submitted the following report, ……………

List of Wages of Park Keepers and Recreation Ground Keepers as at 1st March, 1922

Park                  Name of Keeper                        Rates of Wages
Selly Oak          J.T. Horton                                £3.  5.. 5.

On consideration of the list of wages of Park Keepers and Recreation Ground Keepers the Chairman of the Sub-Committee stated that he was recently invited to meet a deputation of Park Keepers and they informed him that they had a grievance in regard to certain anomalies existing in the rates of wages paid to the various Park Keepers.

915   Resolved:-  That the consideration of this matter be deferred to enable a fresh list to be prepared by the Acting City Treasurer, setting out the ages and length of service of the Park Keepers and the area of the Parks and number of employees over which they have control and that the Chairman of this Sub-Committee and the Chairman of the General Committee be authorized to go into the matter and make recommendations.

29th May 1922 – Finance Sub-Committee

On Minute No. 915. Wages of Park Keepers

The Chairman reported that he had in conjunction with the Chairman of the General Committee been very fully into this matter and had instructed the Superintendent to report their recommendations.

The Superintendent submitted the following report:-

List of Wages of Park Keepers and Recreation Ground Keepers as at 1st March, 1922

Selly Oak Park
Area                              43 acres, 3 rods, 24 perches
No. of Employees         3
Officer in Charge           J.T. Horton
Date of Birth                 10.7.1863
Date of Appointment     March 1898
Rate of Wages              £3.  5.  5.

948   Resolved:-  That it be a recommendation to the General Committee that the proposals of the Chairman and the Chairman of the General Committee as set forth in the Superintendent’s report be approved and that the increases in monthly salaries should take effect as from the 1st instant and the increases in weekly wages as from the first pay day in May.

29th May 1922 - General Purposes and Allotments Sub-Committee

The Secretary submitted the following report:-

Selly Oak Park

I have to report that I have been approached by Messrs. Musgrove Lee & Co., Solicitors for Messrs. Gibbons (sic), regarding the fencing of this park.

The conveyance to the Corporation of the addition to the Park of 31st December 1919 includes a covenant by the Corporation within three calendar months after the date thereof to erect and for ever thereafter maintain a good and sufficient boundary fence along the western boundary of the land comprised in that conveyance, against the land retained by the Donors similar to the boundary fence of the existing recreation ground with a proper and suitable gate where the same crosses the private road.

Messrs. Musgrove Lee & Co. state that the Leases of the adjoining land will expire at Michaelmas next on which date their client will get possession, and will be removing the existing fencing alongside the right of road.  They therefore state that the time has arrived when the Corporation should erect the fence referred to in the Conveyance.

I explained to Messrs. Musgrove Lee & Co. the difficulty the Committee would be placed in having regard to the financial situation, and that no provision was made in the estimates for the current year for the provision of such fence, and they stated that they would advise their client to agree to a sufficient temporary fence being erected to keep off cattle and sheep from the land for a period of say one year if that would assist the Committee.

On the report relating to Selly Oak Park – Fence

2223   Resolved:-  That the Superintendent be instructed to report on the actual quantity of fencing required and the estimated cost of permanent fencing in accordance with the clause in the conveyance and of temporary fencing with a view to arrangements being made for the fencing to be erected.

3rd June 1922 – Birmingham News

Kings Norton, Northfield and Harborne Districts
Selly Oak and Bournbrook

Selly Oak Children’s Summer Treat – The committee of the Christmas Tea and Summer Festival Fund held a meeting at the Selly Oak Institute on Thursday night to deal with business in connection with the Bournbrook and Selly Oak Children’s festival.  Amongst other things it was decided to request all intending donors to the fund to kindly send their subscriptions as early as possible and so assist the committee in their arrangements.  It was also decided to appeal to owners of vehicles in the district who may be willing to provide free conveyance to the park for the infants on Saturday, June 24th.

12th June 1922 - Administration Sub-Committee

A communication was submitted from the Secretary of the “Country Girl” Box Fund Committee applying for permission to hold their Annual Carnival in aid of the District Nurses and Crippled Unions on the 22nd proximo in Selly Oak Park.

2761   Resolved:- That the Secretary be instructed to enquire whether it was desired that the Park or any portion of it should be closed with a view to a charge for admission being made.

26th June 1922 - General Purposes and Allotments Sub-Committee


The Secretary submitted the following regulations, relating to football in the public parks, and asked for approval of same for the coming season.

Regulations Relating to Football

Football pitches are reserved for matches at the following Parks.

Adderley Park                                           Moseley New Pool
Aston Park                                                Perry Park
Calthorpe Park                                         Acocks Green Recreation Ground
Kings Heath Park                                     Black Patch Recreation Ground
Lightswood Park                                      Greet Recreation Ground
Muntz Park                                                Redhill Recreation Ground
Pebble Mill Playing Fields                      Selly Park Recreation Ground
Rookery Park                                           Victoria Common, Northfield
Selly Oak Park                                         Yardley Recreation Ground
Shortheath Park                                       Castle Bromwich Playing Fields
Summerfield Park                                    Stetchford Recreation Ground
Staplehall Farm. Northfield                     Morden Road Recreation Ground
Pype Hayes Park                                                

1.     The season begins on 1st September and ends on 31st March.  Play is not allowed on Sundays and Christmas day.

2.     Only clubs that have been duly registered each year can participate in the use of reserved pitches.

3.     Forms of application for registration can be obtained from The Secretary, Parks Department, Council House.  These forms together with a stamped addressed envelope must be filled in and returned each year not later than 30th July.  In the event of the applications being in excess of the number which the park can accommodate the applications will be submitted to a ballot.  Clubs not successful in obtaining a pitch will be given the option of being registered to play in the park nearest to the one they made application for, provided pitches are available after the ballot has been taken.

4.     A notification of all matches must be sent to the officer in charge of the park for which the club is registered 14 days prior to each fixture, and a stamped addressed envelope enclosed for reply.

5.     The charge is 3/6 per match which must be paid to the officer in charge before commencement of play.  Dressing accommodation extra charge.
At Castle Bromwich Playing Fields a charge of 5/- is made for the use of an ordinary pitch (including the use of dressing room).  Special pitches are reserved at Castle Bromwich and Pebble Mill Playing Fields at various rentals.

6.     Goal post are provided and will be fixed ready for play and the ground marked out by the turf being cut away at the boundary lines.  All other materials required must be provided by the club securing the permit.

7.     Should there be any match pitches unoccupied by 3 p.m. on any Saturday during the season any registered club can have one of them on application to the officer in charge by paying the fee.

8.     The scratching of any match involves the forfeiture of the permit and the permit must be returned to the issuing officer one day before the date of the match, otherwise the usual fee will be charged.

9.     Officers in Charge are authorized to prohibit matches for which permits have been issued if in their opinion it would be detrimental to the turf.

10.  In the event of the general public crowding too closely on the field of play, clubs should appoint their own stewards to assist the officials in charge of keeping the ground clear.

11.  School children under 14 years of age are allowed to play at any time on certain portions of the parks by first applying for permission to do so, and boys under 18 years of age may play football in any of the recreation grounds provided that only an india rubber ball is used.

12.  Clubs are not permitted to solicit or collect money or money’s worth within the park or at park entrance.

2258   Resolved:-  That it be a recommendation to the General Committee that the charge of 3/6d per match in the ordinary parks and of 5/- at Castle Bromwich Playing Fields be reduced by 6d in each case for the coming season, and that subject to such recommendations being approved by the General Committee the regulations be amended accordingly and approved as so amended, and that the Secretary be authorized to make the usual advertisements in the local press regarding the availability of pitches in the parks for football.

1st July 1922 – Birmingham News

Kings Norton, Northfield and Harborne Districts
Selly Oak and Bournbrook

Children’s Festival – The annual summer festival in connection with the Bournbrook and Selly Oak Children’s Christmas Tree and Summer Outing Fund was held in the Selly Oak Park on Saturday last.  The children met in their respective playgrounds at 12.45 p.m. and proceeded thence to Coronation and Harrow Roads, where the procession was completed in the following order:- Kings Heath Adult School Prize Band, Hubert Road School (boys), Harborne Lane School (boys), Life Brigade, Undenominational Choir, St. Edward’s School (seniors), followed by juniors, Raddlebarn Road School (boys, girls and juniors), Church Lads’ Brigade, Dawlish Road School (juniors), Tiverton Road School (seniors and juniors), Woodgate Prize Band, Maypole, St. Mary’s Schools (seniors and juniors), out scholars and Bournville Ambulance Brigade.  After parading the principal roads the procession proceeded to the park, when the Woodgate Band opened the programme at 2.30, and continued with interesting selections until 3.30, when they were relieved by the Kings Heath Band.  During the afternoon there were several Maypole displays by over 100 children from the schools in the district.  The performances reflected much credit on Miss E. James, who had so ably trained them.  The Undenominational children and adult choirs entertained the assembly during the afternoon and evening.  The Boys’ Life Brigade gave some very interesting fire display and first aid performances, and the 97th Midland Bag Pipe Band added to the delight of the kiddies by marching around the park and playing.  Professor Alexander’s Punch and Judy show was, from the children’s point of view, one of the greatest attractions of the festival.  Conjuring and ventriloquism were also much enjoyed.  As a precautionary measure, on account of the frequent showers of rain, the organizers arranged for the serving of tea an hour earlier, which proved a wise policy.  In spite of the inclement weather the children made the best of their opportunities and had a merry time.

17th July 1922 - Administration Sub-Committee

On Minute No. 2761, Use of Selly Oak Park – “Country Girl” Box Fund, a communication was submitted from the Secretary of the “Country Girl” Box Fund, Selly Oak, asking for permission to use some of the chairs at Muntz Park at their carnival on the 29th instant.

2801   Resolved:- That the application be acceded to.

25th July 1922 – Finance Sub-Committee

The Acting City Treasurer presented the following report (from which the following figures have been extracted):-

Statement showing income and expenditure for the three months ended 30th June 1922

Selly Oak Park                   Estimate for Year          Actual for three months
Income                                           £  75                             £  33
Expenditure                                    £690                             £155

3rd October 1922 - General Purposes and Allotments Sub-Committee

On Minute No. 2223, the Superintendent submitted the following report:-

Selly Oak Park.    Weoley Park Farm

I submit herewith (Nb. not included in the minute) a communication from Messrs. Edward Son & Bigwood.  I have to report that I have interviewed Mr. Guy Bigwood with reference to the matters mentioned and he points out that the right of way through the new portion is to be utilized by the tenants of the farm and adjoining houses for the time being, and as he considers this would be detrimental to the park he suggests that the old road running from Gibbons (sic) Lane should be re-opened and that your Committee should top it with a few ashes so that it could be used in preference to the road already mentioned.

I shall be glad of your instructions.

2290   Resolved:-  That the Superintendent be instructed to report further as to the cost to the Department of making up and reopening the road running from Gibbons (sic) Lane.

A communication was also submitted from Messrs. Walters & Cranmer stating that they were acting in the outgoing valuation for the Birmingham Battery Company, and Mr. J.G. Ledsam, and suggesting that they should act for the Committee in regard to the small portion of the farm taken over by them.

2291   Resolved:-  That Messrs. Walters & Cranmer be instructed to act for the Committee in the matter so far as may be necessary.

7th October 1922 – Birmingham News

Selly Oak Park
The Extension
When the work will be carried out

We understand that the Birmingham Corporation took over the extension to Selly Oak Park on the 29th ult.  The desire of the donors was that the land comprising this extension should, together with the park, be left open down to the canal, and so add to its value as an open space.  There is a good deal of work to be done before the extension can be ready for public use, but so far apparently no arrangements have been made for putting this work in hand.
The value of the park in this district need not be enlarged upon, and there is undoubtedly a need for this extension.  Speculation is naturally rife as to when the work will be carried out.
The gift of the extension was made on 17th June, 1919, and the conditions under which it was made were contained in a letter from which we extract the following:-
“You may recollect that in 1899 Mrs. Emma J. Gibbins, William Gibbins, Thomas Gibbins, John Gibbins, and Benjamin Gibbins gave to the Kings Norton and Northfield Urban District (of which the Birmingham Corporation are the successors), a piece of land comprising 11a. 2r. 5p. in Gibbins Road, Selly Oak, for the purposes of a park.  In 1913 William Gibbins and John Gibbins gave to the Corporation, as an addition to the park, an adjoining piece of land which contained 6a. 2r. 35p.
“We, the undersigned, now have pleasure in offering to the Corporation a further piece of land, as
containing 12a. 2r. 6p., lying between the present park and the canal, and also the Lodge and garden containing 1r. 6p. adjoining the entrance to the land from Harborne Lane.
We hope the Corporation may see their way to leave the land open down to the canal, and not to erect any fence against the canal, as this would in our opinion interfere with the present open nature of the land.”
The letter is signed by William Gibbins, John Gibbins, W.W. Gibbins, and R. Lloyd Gibbins, and is dated the 17th of June, 1919.
On enquiry of the Parks Department we were officially informed that the apparent delay in dealing with the matter is due entirely to legal formalities, which have not yet been completed.  As soon as these matters have been dealt with the Committee will meet and decide on the lay-out.

21st October 1922 – Birmingham News

Kings Norton and Northfield Districts
Selly Oak and Bournbrook

Footballing Accident – Horace Siddaway (19), 8, Stockbridge Terrace, Winson Green, a member of the Edgbaston Corinthians’ football team, met with an accident in Gibbons (sic) Park on Saturday afternoon in the course of play.  He was in the act of kicking the ball when an opponent tried to kick it, and missing, kicked Siddaway on the left leg, causing a complicated fracture, accompanied by severe hemorrhage.  First aid was rendered by P.C. Frank Wright (B 230), who applied a tourniquet to the femoral artery, bandaged the wound and put splints and bandages over the fracture.  Then the officer conveyed the injured man on the police ambulance to Selly Oak Hospital where he was detained.

23rd October 1922   (General Purposes and Allotments Sub Committee)

On Minute 2223 – Selly Oak Park Fence.

The Superintendent submitted the following report together with the plan referred to:-

With regard to the extension to Selly Oak Park, a plan of which is laid before you, I have visited the site and the boundary line has been fixed by the representative of the Battery Company.
I am removing the boundary fence at present on the north side of Selly Oak Park, and placing this in position on the new boundary.
I understand the Canal Company claim three feet from the boundary of the Canal on the Park side as their property, and as the canal is rather deep and dangerous, I think some fencing should be placed on this boundary to prevent any accidents to children etc.
With regard to the roadway, I find that it will require making about 350 yards.  The Battery Company are willing to provide the necessary material for this work, your Committee to find the labour and carting, and I estimate under these conditions it would cost approximately £300.
I think your Committee will agree that it is necessary that some provision should be made as the road going through the park would be open night and day for the tenants of the adjoining property, and would therefore be a considerable nuisance to the Department.

The Superintendent stated that the cost of the fencing on the boundary of the canal would be approximately £50.

2309   Resolved:-  That it be a recommendation to the General Committee that approval be given to temporary fencing being erected on the canal boundary and to the making of the new roadway from Gibbons (sic) Road to Weoley Park Farm at the approximate cost of £300 subject to the whole of the cost being provided out of the funds for unemployment relief works.

23rd October 1922 – Finance Sub-Committee

The Acting City Treasurer submitted the following report (from which the following figures have been extracted):-

Treasurer’s statement of income and expenditure for the Half-year
ended 30th September 1922

Selly Oak Park                   Estimate for Year          To 30th September 1922
Income                               £  75:  0:   0                  £  49: 17:  6
Expenditure                        £690:  0:   0                   £313: 15: 10

A communication was submitted from Mr. Alderman Gregory on behalf of the National Union of General Workers stating that it had been reported by more than 20 of their members employed as gardeners in the various parks that they were not being paid the scale of wages agreed upon for that class of workman together with a list of the names of such workmen and a copy of (a part of) which list is as follows:
Selly Oak
W. Price                        Gardener
J. Power                       Gardener

The Superintendent stated that the majority of the men comprised in the list are labourers and not gardeners but in one or two cases he recommended that reclassifications be made and increases of wages granted.

1095   Resolved:- accordingly, that it be a recommendation to the General Committee that (from a list):
W. Price employed at Selly Oak Park be classified as a gardener and granted the appropriate increase of 2/- per week above the minimum rate.

20th November 1922 - General Purposes and Allotments Sub-Committee

The Superintendent submitted the following report:-

Selly Oak Park

I have to report that the fence dividing the portion recently acquired on the estate of the Battery Company has now been erected.  The new fence suggested to be placed at the side of the canal is held in abeyance for the time being, and with regard to the new roadway, I was informed by the Battery Company that if I could proceed with this at once whilst their mufflers were in use, they could supply slag on to the job at about 2/6 per load.  I therefore transferred some men from King’s Norton Park and proceeded with this work at once, as it meant a considerable saving in the outlay, and I trust your Committee will agree with my action.
The representative of the Battery Company informed me that his Company were desirous of placing a small gate in the new fence for the convenience of some of their Officials.  I informed him that your Committee would be pleased to consider this if placed before them, in consideration of an annual payment.

2349   Resolved:-  That the action of the Superintendent be approved.

18th December 1922 - General Purposes and Allotments Sub-Committee

(The following facts are gleaned from more general reports presented at this meeting:-)

The cost of “unemployed” labour for works at Selly Oak Park - £500, 20 men.

18th December 1922 – Finance Sub-Committee

The Acting City Treasurer presented the following report:-

Selly Oak Park Extension
The Acting Treasurer reports that he received intimation in November last that a piece of land adjoining Selly Oak Park had reverted to the Parks Committee as from 29th September last, and that there was a cottage thereon occupied by Mr. Arthur Newbold, the rent of which would accrue to the Parks Department as from that date.  It appears that Mr. Newbold was a sub-tenant of the occupier of the Weoley Park Farm, who tenanted this land up to the 29th September.  Mr. Newbold had for some years been paying a rent of 9/2d. per week.  This amount has been collected from him each week from the time of taking over to the present.  He has been informed that at some future time the house will probably be required for one of the employees of the Parks Department.

1131   Resolved:-  That the action of the Acting City Treasurer in collecting the rent of 9/2 per week from Mr. Arthur Newbold of the cottage on the land recently acquired for the extension of Selly Oak Park be confirmed and that he be authorized to continue collection of such rent until the premises shall be required by the Department.